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Henry watch HL39 LS 0071 65 in for a crown repair from Stranraer, Scotland.

This customer found us online as they had damaged the crown/winder on their watch. We estimated for a replacement part and the customer sent the watch in to us.

Once assessed it we saw the crown was so badly bent it was disengaging the hands and stopping the watch from running. However, we were able to repair what was there rather than replace the parts, this meant it was a cheaper repair for the customer.

We repaired the crown, fit a new battery, sealed the watch and polished the externals all for the same initial estimate.

As you can see from the photos we actually had to remove the glass to clamp the case back down. This is due to the fact the glass sit so proud from the case you can you a clamp to re - attach the case back. The backs of these watch are notoriously difficult to attach because they are designed to be extremely tight. This is the only way to complete this repair without causing damage.

If you have a similar problem or need a repair please contact us for a free assessment.