Can you swim in your watch? Water resistance explained.
Water resistance is still a term that is misunderstood within the watch industry. The term water resistant is used to give an indication on how you can use your watch. Most watches are designed to withstand moisture ingress, they are not designed to be completely impervious or water tight and they do have their limitations.
Understanding the level of water resistance of your watch will have some great advantages while misunderstanding can prove to be very costly.
If you are planning to use your watch in water you must check that your watch is up to the task, you must also ensure the seals are checked and maintained every 6 months. If you do not use your watch in water it must still remain sealed, this stops all other contamination entering the watch as well as moisture from your wrist. However, you only need to check the seals at regular service intervals and whenever the watch is opened it is important to make sure the case is resealed.
It is important to ensure you check the manufacturers instructions before using your watch around water as all manufacturers will vary. The above is a generalisation and a good guide if you are ever unsure.
If you are unsure or need your watch testing or resealing please get in contact with us Contact us