Watch Batteries


There are many different types of batteries that are fitted to watches, these are made by various manufacturers. The main types are silver oxide, alkaline and lithium. Silver oxide and alkaline are 1.5V and lithium are 3.0V.

Watch Hub use a Swiss made silver oxide battery made by Renata. We also use lithium in higher voltage watches, these are also made by Renata.

Watch Hub does not use alkaline batteries in any watches. Why do we not use alkaline? Alkaline batteries are seen as inferior quality batteries and from experience they can leak, they also lose power over time. To give an example, when a TV remote is low on power you need to get closer and closer to the TV for it to work until eventually it stops completely. Now imagine this happening in your watch, you would be late a lot. Silver oxide batteries run at full power for the duration of their life, this means that you get great time keeping right up to the end of the battery’s life and it will just stop completely. This lets you know the battery needs replacing. There are two main reasons a watch will slow down, poor quality battery or the watch needs a service. Is your watch slowing down? Stopped? Contact us for a free assessment or call 0800 029 1953 for free.


Why should you clean your watch?


Water resistance testing